Sunday 1 February 2009

A tad late due to no power

I have had these done for a week or two (enough time to wear and wash them twice) but I just did not have the time to picture, download and post.

Then at 3:15 am this past Wednesday we lost power and did not get it back until yesterday at 4:20 pm. I was so tired from having 5 extra people and 3 extra dogs in the house (for more on this check out my blog later today) that when the power came back on I just wanted to sit and enjoy the quiet. Although 2 of the people and 1 dog are still with us as a tree fell over the feed line to my daughter's house and we have to do some other repairs before they can turn her electric back on. My DH is down there now with the kids trying to get everything fixed up.

Anyway, here are my socks. They are the spirals as the other pair I made of them I accidentally felted. They went into the machine without me knowing it. I now make sure that no socks go into the hamper. I have a special place that I put them to await being washed..

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