Thursday, 26 April 2007

Can't Wait!!!

Hello, my name is Orchid, I come from Mama Llama Knits and I would like to be knitted into something pretty very soon. I have been waiting in Audrey's stash box since Christmas and I now feel the urge to unravel my secrets. You cannot beat them out of me with sticks, as I have no bones, but you can certainly knit them and wear them on your feet. Please Audrey, set me free!

Okay, I haven't had enough caffeine today! I just wanted to say I was looking forward to May 1st :)


5elementknitr said...

That's cool! I wish I knew how to work computers better! Photoshop fun!

Anonymous said...

Great picture! The yarn is beautiful (and what pretty eyes) :)

Laurie said...

This is the best post I've seen all day! And that yarn is very pretty - thanks for making my day!

Anonymous said...

Wow, this has given me a good laugh which I needed this morning. Gorgeous yarn. Love the eyes.