Wednesday 26 December 2007

Smack Myself

I cannot believe I made this wonderful pattern into two gorgeous socks and then forgot to take a photo of them. The good news is that they were a complete success. Much ooohing and aaaahing and petting. The recipient (the sister) petted them and said they looked like machine-made socks! So I promised her I would never knit for her again (ha !). She apologized profusely and begged for more. This was a great pattern and great fun to knit. Thank you for including me this month.


Pixie said...

LOL at your sister, and glad they were a success, can your sister take a photo and send it to you?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad they were a success. LOL. I think non knitters think of machine knitted as being a compliment. At least it means your stitches were nice and even and it was well finished, so take it as a compliment.