Here is my first sock. It is just as long as it looks and it took a long time to finish.
The yarn is Opal and I used #1 ebony Sox Stix. I liked the needles ok, but I don't think that they are really worth the cost. I already have mine bent a bit and I don't knit tight.
All I need to do to this sock is bind off. Since this is the first time I have done a sock toe up I don't really know for sure how I am going to bind off. I have been looking for stretchy bind offs. I need to get it done so that I can start my next sock. I really want to have these done by the end of the month. I am running out of time. LOL
Try this bind off http://www.socknitters.com/toe-up/lessonsix.htm; it's very easy. It's like doing the kitchener only on one row of knitting.
Great looking sock. My favourite bind off is the sewn bind off and I think that's the one described in the Sock KNitters link Julie left. I can't remember off the top of my head how to d oit now as Istill need to read the instructions when I do it.LOL. good luck.
That's a lovely vibrant colour. Just gorgeous.
Great sock!
I had some problems with the same Sox Stix. Apparently, I had a set that was one of the first ones from a new batch. I did not know this, but they seem to always have bad ones in the first round of their new batches (every time they make a new batch). So guess what happened to mine? This may make you feel a little better: I knit LOOSELY and I had three snap in my fingers, one after the other. It was so weird. After the first one broke, I continued, telling myself, "I can knit with four instead of five" and then the next one broke. That's when I introduced one of my bamboo ones to substitute. And then the third one. That's when I gave up. I brought them into my LYS without the receipt and they told me about the notorious first set/new batchers. So I have a brand new set which I may never use in case it's the first set from a new batch. :)
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