I just cast on the Serpentine socks and am really liking how they are turning out so far:) I kinda tweeked the pattern a bit and went with a figure 8 cast on for the toe and increased to the correct number of stitches. It was the first time I had tried that kind of cast on and really really like it:) It is also my first post to the group..lol I am really looking forward to more posts and seeing everyones finished projects!
Looks like you are off to a good start. What yarn are you using?
Whoopsie-Daisy! I should have mentioned that in the post....lol I am using Cherry Tree Hill Superwash, can't rember the colorway though:( I have to say this is the first time I have used Cherry Tree Hill and I find it to be a fabulously springy yarn! I just love it!
Really pretty yarn - me thinks there may be some CTH sock yarn in my future!
I love the figure 8 cast on. The first time I tried it on my own, it was way too messy, but then Cookie A did it on Knitty Gritty and I was hooked! That's how I start all of my toe-up socks now.
Speaking of which, I still only have 4 rounds done on this month's socks; don't think they'll be done on time. Maybe I'll just wait for August and re-start then.
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