Finished the knitting last night and did the bind off this morning. These were knit toe-up. I started off with the figure-8 cast-on, proceeded up the foot to a short-row heel, then continued up the leg; added a few rows of ribbing and did a 'faux kitchener' bind off. Socks are really stretchy - I think I'd go down a needle size next time as I like socks just a tad tighter, but this was a wonderfully easy and relaxing pattern to knit.
I used Knit Picks Dancing yarn in the Ballet colorway. This was actually the same yarn I started the May Day socks with, but the pattern had gotten very lost in the color changes of the yarn. River Valley did much better.
Thank you, Anni, for a great sock pattern!
Onward to Serpentine!
I've knit one pair with the same yarn/colorway, and they are my favorites to wear. I like the cotton and stretch factor. ;o)
I've been wearing these all day (with and without shoes). They are very comfortable (although roomy) - I have two more skeins in this color plus the leftovers from these socks, so I'm thinking I can get another pair of calf-high socks plus a pair of anklets.
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