just in case any of you were wondering. I've not gone missing. I've been reading the blog every few days but not had time to post any comments or do anything else. Last week, was extremely busy with a 3 day visit to Norway at the beginning of the week and them getting ready and pakcing up for 'Bible Week'. Bible Week is a week long camp that our church run every year. Simon and the girls are camping but I'm coming home every night. Don't get home until between 10pm and midnight and then go back for 10am. Except for today when I'm having a morning off.
It's a fantastic week but very, very busy and it always leave me in a lot of pain. There are morning worship meetings with Wes McNabb preaching (pastor from London) and kids clubs (Simon is helping out in the pre-school club). Then evening worship with our own pastor, John Gillespie preaching. John is preaching on heaven all week and Wes is preaching on 'Heaven on Earth?'.
On SAturday when we pur the tent up it rained, same on Sunday with Sunday night seeing terrential rain (tent leaked a little) then it gradually dried up on Monday after heave rain in the morning. The main marquee where the services are had leaked too.
Then since Tuesday the weather ahs been glorious but very windy. In the afternoons we've been relaxing outside the tent with varous friends (new and old) popping around for a cuppa. Had a lady come over yesterday asking about my knitting as I was sitting there knitting, it turned out she had bought one of my knitted bags from the craft stall too.
This afternon we may go to the beach. I've been doing a lot of knitting this week, mainly mobile phone socks and hair bands. They're selling realy well and I've sold some of my bags that didn't sell last year.
I'll start a list of finsihed socks for August over the weekend. Looks like we may have a record number of finishes this month. I've got lots mor emembers lined up for September and will start sending out invites next week. I'm hoping to get the September pattern out next Friday as we'll be at
Fibrefest on Saturday 1st but I may not have time, in which case it'll be e-mailed on the 2nd. I've got the pattern and chart all written out and yarn chosen, but haven't actually started the September socks yet. So off to get the yarn would up then take it with me to start on the beach this afternoon.
If you've e-mailed me and I've not repleid then it's becasue I've not check the stashaddicts e-mail this week, just haven't had time. Will try to deal with it this evening when I get back.